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Post-Evangelizare (Evangelism) prayer request

22 April, 2013
We have evangelisms every so often, organized by the brothers in the Evangelist churches for the country of Romania.  Some last for a week, and some are held in many different towns, and some have guests from other countries.  I would like to share a story about an evangelism we had in our city a few weeks ago, the week of Fri April 4.    This one was held for a week featuring a guest speaker from England.  During the week, different groups met to have services for specific things, example a meeting for teachers, a meeting for workers in the medical field,  and Friday was for youth aged people.

I didn’t plan on going at first, because I didn’t feel strongly drawn to it.  But the morning of the meeting for the youth, I woke up and sensed that God was telling me to take a specific person from the orphanage.  He had made this opportunity possible and He was telling me now I have a reason to go.  I made the arrangements of transportation and where we would stay at the night, because it would finish late, and asked permission from Mama and Tata.  They were happy  and were trusting that there would be a good outcome.  As Alexandra and I waited for the bus, we got to talking about favorite verses and parts of the Bible.  We also talked about the camp the kids in the orphanage go to in the summer, the kids learn a lot from the Bible, but sometimes is hard to learn more when they come home.  I told her I hoped this night would be different, that the Lord would make things clear to her in the stories the speaker would use.  Her excitement bubbled over as we anticipated seeing her sisters at the meeting, eating pizza, and the thought of ‘an event!’  We  sat with one of her sisters, and it was really sweet to watch them interact together.  They live in different orphanages and don’t get to talk enough or spend enough time together.  They both payed attention well to the words as they were told about gospel in a simple direct way. 

The man from England shared some interesting stories about different people from different walks of life.  He had had the privledge of meeting them and talking with them about their faith.  His own story included an addiction to gambling, but told how the Lord vindicated him.  He then had a visual illustration of sin, how it entered in the world and contaminated us (he showed a pure china cup), sin made us broken (he smashed the cup with a hammer), and he explained about the purpose of Jesus (another perfect china cup) why he entered the world to take our place and be sin for us (he smashed the cup), and how we are now new in God’s eyes (he showed a pure china cup that he didn’t smash).  It was a really good illustration, and many of the people in the audience understood about Jesus better.  We then had a quiet evening with friends, and Alexandra was able to think about what she had heard, and discuss a little bit with us.

Pray for Alexandra’s faith, that it would continue to develop.  Pray that she continues the path of searching for the Lord and learning about him.  Pray she would receive more easy messages for her to digest.  Most importantly, pray that she senses her Father’s presence near her every day, and can live with hope.  The Lord bless you! : )

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Happy Easter!

4 April, 2013


I trust you all had a good Easter!  In Eastern Orthodox countries, Easter does not fall until May 5 so I must wait to find out how they will celebrate.  But I told the kids that on Sunday I would be celebrating Easter in my heart.  I have  been explaining to them in the past few weeks at our Bible studies some of our observances in America:   my church has a Maunday Thursday service and cross walk on Good Friday.  I also explained about Easter egg hunts- they don’t have those!  🙂  I read pieces of the Easter story from John 17, 20 and Luke 23, and sang some hymns to them in English.  They liked hearing all about it, but one said we will be bored when Easter comes for us!  No, it is okay to learn about different ways of celebrating this most special day.  So that was for the past couple of weeks in our Bible studies.

Then at the church on Sunday, I went up front when they had the poem and song time for the congregation.  I had done this once before, in the winter,where I introduced myself and told what ministry I am doing here, and then shared Psalm 71 in English.  I wanted the church family to know me better since I am staying here a whole year.  So on Sunday, I went up again and re-introduced myself and said I have 3 more months here in my work.  I have by now made acquaintance with some members.  I explained that since today is Easter in America, I want to share a song.  I sang “Crown Him with Many Crowns” and to my delight, they started humming in the background.  Turns out they know it in Romanian 🙂  While I was singing  the verses, the pianist meandered up and started to accompany me, and they looked for the words on the screen for the congregation.  After I was finished singing the song in English, the whole church family sang in Romanian, and it was beautiful.  One girl said to me after, “I think that is what heaven will be, all of our attention focused and worshipping the Lord together.” 

So, I was determined to have a special Easter, to not let it go by unnoticed, and it was!

Hope your Easter was memorable and led you to understanding the great love of our Lord a little bit clearer.  Blessings, Becca